Dealer News Today Feature: The Ownership of Connected Car Data – And Consumers’ Perception...

Whoever controls the lion’s share of connected car data may need to convince the public in the future that the goal is to improve the customer experience, not make a pile of cash from selling the data to the highest bidder.

Toyota/Lexus to Deploy V2V Technology That Allows Cars to “Talk” to One Another

Toyota announced this week that it plans to start designing and selling vehicles in the U.S. by 2021 that can communicate with each other via short-range wireless technology to avoid accidents.

How Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics Sell More Cars

Imagine this scenario: it’s been a slow month in the dealership. The sales guys are playing Angry Birds or fiddling with their fantasy football...


Heads Up: New Tax Laws Impacting Automotive Dealers

The provisions of the Act provides many opportunities and some pitfalls. More than ever, owners of automobile dealerships need to consult their tax advisers to understand both the business and personal implications of the new tax laws.