Key Features

Featured long form articles exclusive to Dealer News Today.

COVID and the Four C’s

by Adam Rapp The nerves and emotions brought about by the pandemic over the last four months are the feelings that emerge in those first...

Dealerships: Reconsider Stocking Multiple Model Combinations

By Amy Corr When consumers research their next car, there’s undoubtedly a few must-have requirements, whether it’s model, engine size, leather seats, and heated seats....

How Do You Plan for an Unknown Future?

by Tracey Schelmetic How Do You Plan for an Unknown Future? One of an entrepreneur’s most important functions is planning for the future. They predict...


Heads Up: New Tax Laws Impacting Automotive Dealers

The provisions of the Act provides many opportunities and some pitfalls. More than ever, owners of automobile dealerships need to consult their tax advisers to understand both the business and personal implications of the new tax laws.