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Augmented Reality: Smartglasses Deliver Hands-Free Tech Support to the Service Bay

by Al Bredenberg, Senior Writer Augmented reality (AR) is virtual reality’s lesser known twin. Rather than create a reality from scratch, as virtual reality does,...

What Local Dealerships Can Learn From The Rise Of Craft Beer Companies

by Amy Corr How many small businesses reside in your town? How many have gone out of business? With the convenience of Amazon Prime and...

The Generation Gap That Threatens Dealership Service Operations

by Kevin Donovan There is a perfect storm brewing in the American labor market that’s posing particular problems for auto-dealer service and maintenance operations. Mechanics...


Heads Up: New Tax Laws Impacting Automotive Dealers

The provisions of the Act provides many opportunities and some pitfalls. More than ever, owners of automobile dealerships need to consult their tax advisers to understand both the business and personal implications of the new tax laws.